Mission statement
We connect all members of society with important environmental stories and ideas, sparking conversation, debate and inspiration along the way!
Our Story
Public interest in environmental issues has been growing rapidly as we've all become increasingly interested in our impact on the planet and how things could be better.
Many of us have a passion for nature, cleaner air, or the future climate. But we noticed that the story is usually about government commitments, international summits and all the various things that are becoming worse with each passing day.
But the truth is that the story involves us all. And it can be positive. And that's where The Greenmag comes in.
We are a social enterprise aiming to bring the most interesting environmental stories to the widest possible audience. By using plain English and a clean writing style, we bring inclusive, interesting and entertaining environmental articles which are accessible to everyone. From discussions on how to reduce plastic use in the home to explaining what reaching 'net zero' actually means, The Greenmag links ordinary citizens with local and global issues, helping everyone to make a difference.
Our commitments
1. Quality journalism. Our stories are always well-researched and based on the best available information. Where something is an opinion, we will make this clear!
2. Plain English. We unpick needlessly complex language and cut through the noise to bring you clear, interesting and entertaining environmental content.
3. Welcoming debate and challenge. We want our articles to spark debate and conversation. Nothing green is black and white!
We're always on the look out for high-quality, engaging stories and articles.
If you think you could contribute, please get in touch by using the contact form or by emailing us directly at: contact@thegreenmag.co.uk