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Happy People, Happy Planet: The Story of Khushi Kantha
We all want our children to inherit a healthy planet. Khushi Khantha’s new baby blankets are both environmentally and socially sustainable.

Sainsbury’s and Aldi make plastic progress
In a happy coincidence, Sainsbury’s and Aldi both announced today that they will rid drinks cartons of plastic straws. But more is needed...

UK electric vehicle grants reduce (but more will get them)
The UK government is reducing the size of its electric car grants, but says they will be given to more people.

Which teabags are plastic-free in 2021?
Do you take plastic with your tea? Well, it turns out that depends on which brand of teabag you use.

Dirty potatoes make a comeback!
They say history repeats itself, and we always said potatoes would triumph in the end…

Carbon Choices by Neil Kitching
Geographer and energy specialist, Neil Kitching, has published Carbon Choices. In this article he tells us about the book.

Budget 2021: A small shuffle in the right direction
The 2021 Budget was awash with references to the green economy, carbon and building back better. But did it actually deliver?

Nature through a screen? Give it a try…
Scientists are trying to find out whether people could benefit from ‘nature experiences’ through a screen. Sign up to take part!
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